[gview file="http://puketapu.school.nz/puketapu/puketapu/wp-content/uploads/Puketapu-School-Newsletter-Term-2-Week-6-8-June-2016.pdf"]
For the last two weeks of Term 2 we celebrated Book Carnival, and wow! what a great time we have had!
The Book Fair was very successful and we hope you enjoyed browsing through the great selection that was available. We would like to thank everyone who came along and made a purchase. In total we sold just under $2000 worth of books – an awesome effort. This means we were able to use our commission to buy a selection of books for our library.
We would like to thank Mrs Jackson, Mr Quince and the PSG for making this possible.
We had a great start to last week with our ‘Dress a Knight, King or Queen’ Whanau Activity on Monday. Great fun was had by all and the creations were just amazing. The overall Whanau judged best costume designers was... Piwakawaka!
Throughout the carnival staff have been rotating around the classes to read and we have had a range of guest readers in the library at lunchtimes. Last Thursday we had a visit from Penelope Pukeko from the ‘Let’s Go’ team.
In class library times all children have had a lesson on Heraldry, the study of the symbols, colours and patterns used in Coats of Arms and they have designed or created their own.
There were also daily competitions in the library and the students have been working to complete their ‘book carnival pizza wheels’ (although this doesn’t have to be finished this term.)
For our last day of Term we enjoyed a Book Character Dress Up Day.
What fabulous day! The standard of fancy dress was the best ever with some people going to enormous and very creative lengths to create some magical costumes.
Everyone enjoyed our special assembly to celebrate Duffy's 21st birthday and many children received a special Duffy book as a reward for an achievement.
We must say a big thank you to all the people who sent food for our shared lunch. There was plenty to go around and it was delicious.
Thanks also to the people who set up and then cleaned up.
A special thanks to Mrs Murphy who did an exceptional job of organising the two week carnival. It was lots of fun!