Newsletter for Term 3: Monday 17 July

From this term, we are changing the way we communicate with our school community!

Here is the Term 3 Newsletter that has all the major information that you need for the term.

From now, rather than saving everything for one weekly roundup newsletter, we will have one big newsletter at the start of term, then share events and news via our web site, our public Facebook page and Hero, as they happen.

Using the Hero app, parents can still report absences, check learning, view reports, give permission for trips, book conference meeting times and much more. All major announcements come out via Hero anyway, now we will make sure news and updates come out to you this way as well.

Here is your link for this weeks Newsletter;

In this issue: Week 10 @ Puketapu School was a big one; Farewell to three of the best; PJ day for Ronald McDonald House; Mid Year Reports & Learning Conference info; Happy Support Staff Week; Te Mako Matawhero awards; So many wonderful photos from this week around school and some awesome achievements from home too.

Here is your link for this weeks Newsletter;

In this issue: Celebrate the end of Term 2 with us next week; Information on Mid Year Reports and Learning Conferences; Health Education @ Puketapu School; Celebrate our week 9 award winners; Take the Duffy survey and go in the draw to win a Prezzy card; Check the Lost Property before the end of term and have a look what has been going on around school this week in our 'This Week At School' section.

Here is your link for this weeks Newsletter;

In this issue: Celebrate the end of Term 2 with us; School Values with Mako Awards, Te Mako Matawhero Awards and Duffy Awards given out in week 8; Introducing our new Rock Band; Photos from the playground during discovery time and other photos from around school in week 8.

Here is your link for this weeks Newsletter;

In this issue: Manu Tukutuku Day - Save the date; School Values to celebrate; What's on the menu for next week; Home & School farewell Miss Sattler; Breakfast Club Cans have been counted, find out who won!; Get your Lucky Book Club orders in; Check out the calendar for upcoming events and this weeks Community Notices. 

Here is your link for this weeks Newsletter;

In this issue: Week 6 at school from our tamariki; School values to celebrate; Lucky Book Club Issue #4 is out now; Home & School meeting next week; Breakfast Club can collection has closed; Photos from around school in week 6 and some important thank you messages.

Here is your link for this weeks Newsletter;

In this issue: National Young Leaders Day 2023; Changes to our Leadership Team; Get your Puketapu Hoodies and Crews from Game Changer; Noodlehead fundraiser update; Bring your can of fruit for breakfast club before Wednesday; Plus check out the photos from around our school in week 5.

Here is your link for this weeks Newsletter;

In this issue: PINK SHIRT DAY; School Values everywhere with Mako Value Awards, Te Mako Matawhero Awards, Duffy Awards & Student of the Day; Safety at our school gate and a reminder that the roundabout on Mangati Road will be closed from next week; Winter Hoodies coming soon; Photos from around school in week 4; Don't forget the Home & School Noodlehead fundraiser next week; Keep your fruit cans coming for Breakfast Club & check out some cool things in the from home section!

Here is your link for this weeks Newsletter;

In this issue: Week 3 through the eyes of two Kōwhai students; Before & Afterschool Care announcement; Help keep our tamariki & community safe and use the drop off bay correctly; School values to be celebrated; Winter bugs are here; Bring a CAN of fruit for Breakfast Club; Check the Lost Property; Photos and fun in week 3 to share and much more!

Here is your link for this weeks Newsletter;

In this issue: New Zealand Curriculum Refresh; Staff Announcements; Te Mako Matawhero Awards; Duffy Theatre Show @ Puketapu; Check out what Whaea Kellys class has been up to with their rockets; Our Home & School team have a new local fundraiser; A couple of things 'From Home' to celebrate and make sure you read up about the Mangati Road closure information from NPDC.

25 Dillon Drive,
Bell Block,
New Plymouth.

Main Reception
Phone 06 755-0973
©2022 Te Kura o Puketapu
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