[gview file="http://puketapu.school.nz/puketapu/puketapu/wp-content/uploads/Puketapu-School-Newsletter-Term-3-Week-10-27-September-2017.pdf"]
[gview file="http://puketapu.school.nz/puketapu/puketapu/wp-content/uploads/Puketapu-School-Newsletter-Term-1-Week-11-12-April-2017.pdf"]
We are delighted to present Issue 5 of our Community Newsletter, the Puketapu Press.
Puketapu Press ISSUE 5 (Term 4, 2015)
Issue 5 of the Puketapu Press is being delivered to every letterbox in Bell Block over the next two weeks. Watch out for your copy. If you are out of the delivery area, pick up a copy from the Office or download from the web site or Facebook.
Our Report to the Community 2014, a summary of the activities and achievements of Puketapu School during the 2014 year, has been published today.