Our New Junior Playground is Here!

Our new purpose-built Junior Playground is open for business!

Designed with features to help development of our younger children, the play area has things to climb on, balance on, swing from and generally have a whole lot of fun on, just for the little ones.

We were very lucky to receive $15,000 of funding from New Zealand Communities Trust to go towards our junior play area.

The people from Tricky Trees removed four trees: two were removed to make the central space bigger for games and two were removed to make way for swings.

Outdoor Solutions put it all together for us.

We are having great fun playing on it!

p1 There are slides...

p2 ...and a climbing wall...

p3 ... a fireman's pole...

p7 ...swings...

p5 ... swings...

p4 ...balance poles...

p6 ... and a whole lot of fun!

25 Dillon Drive,
Bell Block,
New Plymouth.

Main Reception
Phone 06 755-0973
©2022 Te Kura o Puketapu
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