Getting Ready for School

Puketapu School works hard to provide a great place of learning for tamariki and we are happy to be able provide some great extras to support this.

Information for new parents

Ka Ora, Ka Ako - Healthy Lunches in Schools

We are delighted to be part of the Government funded Ka Ora, Ka Ako - Healthy Lunches in Schools Programme.

Ka Ora, Ka Ako aims to reduce food insecurity by providing access to a nutritious lunch every day. The name Ka Ora, Ka Ako is about being healthy and well in order to be in a good place to learn. 

We employ our own kai team, who develop and produce healthy, nutritious and tasty lunches for every child at school, every day.

Be it Butter Chicken and Rice, Pizza, Nachos, Spaghetti Bolognaise or a Burger on Fridays, our team makes sure that meals are kid friendly, tasty and packed with vegetables and wholegrains.

Read more about the Ka Ora Ka Ako programme

Ka Ora Ako Programme


At Puketapu School, we use an online platform called Hero to share student progress and achievement, as well as communicate with parents.

Hero replaces the traditional written twice per year reporting format, as we see reporting not as an event, but as an ongoing dialogue between home and school. Teachers will update learning goals for your child throughout the year and our Year 4-8 students have access to their Hero accounts so they can see and evidence their learning goals.

We use Hero to send out all email communication to our parents and you can also access your current financial statement, give permission for trips and outings, sign up for sports teams, report absences and check the school calendar.

How do I access Hero?
Hero can be accessed using a web browser, but we highly recommend downloading the Hero app to your mobile phone.
Your access is linked to the email address you have in your child’s record at the school (so if you change your email address, please let us know.)

Full instructions can be found here: or by clicking the button below.

If you have any problems accessing Hero, please let us know by emailing We can add multiple email addresses for each child and we encourage all caregivers to create log-ins.

HEro instructions

Fundraising Labels

Support our Home & School Fundraising and never go to Lost Property again!

Stuck on You offers a great range of name labels – stick on, iron on, clip on… even a clothes stamp!

Order online at using PUKETAPUHS as your code at checkout.

Bring Your Own device

Year 4-8 students at Puketapu School may bring their own device (Chromebook, iPad, laptop) to school, if they have permission from home to do so. There are minimum requirements for the device and some conditions for parents to be aware of.

Please remember that all Year 4 – 8 classrooms will still have a minimum of one Chromebook for every three students and a selection of iPads, so there is no reason to feel that your child needs to provide their own device. It is our strong belief that we have sufficient devices to allow students in every class to have access to devices when and if they are required for their learning. Please don’t feel pressured to buy a device.

If you would like your child to bring a device from home, there is an electronic form to sign - please contact the office for this.

Fees and Expenses

Puketapu School does not charge fees for any essential curriculum activity.

Optional and extra-curricular activities such as after school or weekend sports, Graduation Hoodies or branded school items are optional so must be paid for.

Camps: There is a cost to parents for camps however school subsidises the cost and we will do our best to fundraise throughout the year to reduce it even further.

Sport: The cost of sporting activities varies depending on the sport and is set by the sporting body who oversees the competition. The teams we have depend on parent volunteers so may change. Fees are payable before the first game of the season. A refundable bond may be charged for some uniforms.

Sport Ts are available to purchase.
25 Dillon Drive,
Bell Block,
New Plymouth.

Main Reception
Phone 06 755-0973
©2022 Te Kura o Puketapu
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