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Below is a list of many of the common questions parents ask. 

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


If your child is going to be away from school please try to phone, text or send an alert via the Hero app before 9:30am. If your child is away and we have not heard from you by then, the school will phone or email to find the reason for the absence. This will help ensure the welfare and safety of children. Late children must report to the office and sign in on arrival.


During the course of the year parents are only asked to pay for a small number of activities such as sports teams or optional activities. To ensure we can keep costs low for everyone, it is important that all accounts are paid promptly and in full. Please pay online or at the office. Details of what is owed can be viewed on Hero.


Teachers are constantly monitoring and assessing children’s progress both formally and informally and the results of these assessments are used to inform planning and further learning. We use a wide range of tools available to schools. Learning progress and achievement is shared with whānau regularly via our Hero app. Reporting covers all areas of the curriculum with a focus on Literacy and Numeracy against the New Zealand Curriculum. Please talk to your child’s teacher for more information.


Although every reasonable precaution is exercised, accidents do happen. Minor ones receive first-aid treatment. In all cases of head injury, suspected bone injury, bad cuts, etc. the parent is notified immediately for the necessary medical attention to be sought. In the event of your child being involved in a serious accident the school will take appropriate action and will contact you as soon as possible. Please make sure we always have your current contact details.

Arrival Times

Students should be at school before the bell rings at 8.55am. Children must not be at school before 8.30am.


It is a requirement that all children attend a school from the age of 6. Once enrolled, children are expected to attend every day. Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. This relationship between attendance and achievement may appear early in a child’s school career. Our aim is to have tamariki in school to learn every day they can be. There will always be times when children are absent for extended periods for family reasons but outside these times it is important for learning that children attend school regularly. Please remember to report your child as absent if they are going to be away from school. 

  • Use the Hero app, click ‘report an absence’
  • Text our school cell phone 027 755 0973
  • Ring our landline and leave an absentee message
  • Email us

Before and After School Care

We are delighted that tamariki at Puketapu School have the option for before and after school care, provided by Good Seed Trust and based at Northpoint Church.

Behaviour Management

While we do not have a long list of school rules we expect children to maintain acceptable standards of behaviour. Our expectations are built around our school values. We hope we can count on the support of parents to help ensure that these expectations are met. We expect all our school whānau to show our School Values when at school. We aim to promote positive behaviour and to create an inclusive learning environment that will foster well-being and achievement for everyone. We utilise restorative approaches to improve behaviour and relationships by moving away from a blame and retribution model of dealing with negative behaviour, towards one which is based on a child’s increasing knowledge of social responsibility and self awareness. At the class, team and school level, systems are developed that reward appropriate behaviour and provide for steps to deal with inappropriate behaviour. These steps wiIl involve parents for those who continually behave inappropriately.

Bell Times

The morning bell rings at 8.55am. The bell at the end of first break rings at 11.30am. The bell to end second break rings at 1.40pm. The end of the day bell is at 3pm.

Bikes / Scooters

We welcome bikes, scooters, skates and skateboards at school. Children must wear a helmet while riding any of these things.


Pupils in Junior classes will often bring home school bookbags containing reading material. Please make sure that the reading is heard and that the books and bags are returned to school.

Breakfast Club

Our Kick Start Breakfast Club serves free breakfast in the Design Technology room every morning, from 8.30am-8.55am. This is run by parents and volunteers. The school takes a pro-active approach to what can be a real problem in schools, teaching strategies and skills to deal with difficulties. If children feel they have a problem they are encouraged to talk with a teacher. If a parent becomes aware of any issue, we ask that they speak to their child’s teacher as soon as possible.


Puketapu School has a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy. From Year 5, students are able to bring their own digital device to school once they have completed and signed the required agreement in conjunction with their parent/caregiver.


Our Concerns Pathway

There may be times when you have a query or concern about your child. If parents/caregivers have concerns about aspects of their child’s learning or behaviour, they should contact the School and make an appointment with the class teacher. Early intervention or awareness can make things much easier for all concerned. We also will contact parents when we have a concern. Open communication is a priority – we encourage family to please, come talk with us. Our Concerns Pathway is important to follow as you will generally be speaking to the person who has the most information and knowledge about your child and others in your child’s environments. We will do our best to work together for manageable solutions.

Cell Phones

Where possible, phones and phone-capable watches should not be brought to school. If they must be, they are to be handed into the teacher before school. Students collect them at the end of the day. The school will take all reasonable care but it needs to be clear that children bring these to school at their own risk. If whānau need to communicate with their child during the school day, they should do so through the school office. Students are not permitted to call their whānau on their phones during the school day.


We communicate with parents in a number of ways. Our weekly newsletter is available via Hero or our Facebook page. Learning Teams send out a newsletter at the beginning of each term. Teachers use group and individual emails, Hero and Seesaw to keep in touch with parents. The office will from time to time send out a notice via Hero or text.

Cycling to School

Parents are urged to ensure that children are not only proficient cyclists but that they also have an adequate understanding of basic road rules before allowing them to ride or scoot to school. It is compulsory for all children to wear an approved type helmet when cycling or scooting to, from and while at school.

Dental Service

The Mobile Dental Bus visits our school twice per year. At other times parents can contact Te Henui Dental Clinic 06 757 3405.

Education Outside the Classroom

Special Activities and Camps

Year 6 and Year 8 children have the opportunity to experience a camp. All year groups have opportunities for trips and outings throughout the year. We strongly urge parents to support these activities which are always memorable events in a child’s time at school. Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) experiences (e.g. camps, trips) are an important aspect of our school curriculum.  These experiences allow for our learners to challenge their mindsets and to grow in confidence and self esteem. Our school has an EOTC policy and Risk Management Guidelines are followed by all staff when planning trips. All EOTC activities will be clearly communicated with you and at times we may require your assistance in terms of parent help and transport. Permission for all trips and camps that are not walking distance from school will have permission requested via Hero – there are no paper permission slips.


In the event of a major earthquake or other civil emergency, children will be held at school until collected by a parent or other adult authorised to collect them or until other instructions have been given by Civil Defence authorities. As part of our procedures for such an event, we ask that you ensure the office has contact details for up to four adults authorised to collect your child. Children are given instruction at school on what to do in the event of an earthquake or fire and these procedures are practised from time to time. 

Essentials to Bring

We communicate with parents in a number of ways. Our weekly newsletter is available via Hero or our Facebook page. Learning Teams send out a newsletter at the beginning of each term. Teachers use group and individual emails, Hero and Seesaw to keep in touch with parents. The office will from time to time send out a notice via Hero or text. Lunch and fruit is provided every day but students should bring:

  • Book bag and stationery
  • Morning tea
  • Water bottle
  • Sunhat (Term 1 and 4) and sunscreen
  • Medication if required (should be held at office)
  • Change of clothes (for younger students or those who love to play in puddles)

Please ensure all your child’s things including their stationery, the clothes they wear and change of clothes are named. Please do NOT bring mobile phones, sweets or sugary drinks.


We have a public Facebook page for general news and a closed Facebook group  puketapuschool.bellblock  where we showcase and celebrate Puketapu School, our Values and our Learner Beliefs which whānau can join.

Family Events

From time to time we have sporting events where parents are invited to come along to support. We encourage parents to dress up in their child’s whanau group colours. Periodically we arrange school picnics or BBQs as social events for the school. These are timed to allow parents to come along after work and are an opportunity for the school community to meet informally.

Healthy Eating

We are a water only School. Water is brain juice, so we like students to make sure they bring and drink lots of water. Please don’t bring fizzy drinks or sugary drinks to school. Lollies are also not usually allowed, unless you are bringing them to share with your whole class, but you must ask your teacher first.

Home Learning

At Puketapu School we do not set formal home learning. We encourage our students to be active outside school hours and our parents/caregivers to assist their children by:

  • Encouraging reading for pleasure and information
  • Listening and talking to them about things of interest
  • Providing them with opportunities to help at home
  • Encouraging and supporting them in their interests

Home & School

Our wonderful Puketapu Home and School is a group of parents and family members who help fundraise for the school, organise fun events and help look out for people in our community who need a little extra support. Some fundraisers/events to look out for are our annual golf day, Cross Country competition, bake sales and Christmas raffles. Home and School meet twice each term and all are welcome to come bring their ideas and offer help when they can. Check the Calendar for dates and times of the next meetings. We would love to see you there! Email for more information.

Illness at School

The school does not have the resources or the facilities to care for children who are unwell. When children become unwell at school parents will be phoned and asked to collect them. Please do not send children back to school before they are well enough to take a full part in the classroom programme.


An IEP is an Individual Education Plan and all special needs children have IEPs which are developed by parents, teachers and specialists.

Kapa Haka

We offer Kapa Haka to our students and have two performing groups who represent our Kura. We are privileged to have a dedicated staff who create incredible opportunities for our tamariki in this space.


Lateness is sometimes unavoidable, especially for those families who travel a long way to school but we ask that everyone makes a real effort to get their children to school on time. Every time a child arrives in the room late they disrupt not only their own learning but that of the rest of the class. All children who arrive after 9.00am must sign in at the office.


We are looking forward to opening our new library space in Term 4 2024!

Lost Property

Each year the school collects an astonishing amount of lost property. This is kept in the foyer in the hall. From time to time items are displayed so that children can identify their property and reclaim it. At the end of every term unclaimed clothing is donated to charity. Parents can help reduce the problem by making certain that clothing is named.


Each year the school collects an astonishing amount of lost property. This is kept in the foyer in the hall. From time to time items are displayed so that children can identify their property and reclaim it. At the end of every term unclaimed clothing is donated to charity. Parents can help reduce the problem by making certain that clothing is named. We are delighted to be part of Ka Ora, Ka Ako, the Healthy School Lunches programme. Ka Ora, Ka Ako aims to reduce food insecurity by providing access to a nutritious lunch every day. The name Ka Ora, Ka Ako is about being healthy and well in order to be in a good place to learn. We employ our own kai team, who develop and produce healthy, nutritious and tasty lunches for every child at school, every day, at no cost to parents. Our menu changes every term and includes favourites like Butter Chicken and Rice, Pizza, Nachos, Spaghetti Bolognaise or a Burger with treats like Sushi or Subway from time to time. All meals include fruit and a snack and our team works hard to introduce tamariki to new foods while making sure that meals are kid friendly, tasty and packed with vegetables and wholegrains. Students still need to bring their water bottle and other healthy snacks.

Medicines, Illness or Accidents at School

At Puketapu School, we value the health (hauora) of our staff and students. Student medication is kept securely and taken appropriately – it must be signed in at the school office by a parent. Students must not keep medication in their school bag or in class and medication will not be administered without parental consent. Our office staff are first aid trained and all but the most minor of incidents are recorded. If your child has any condition or health need, please make sure the office and their teacher are aware of it. If you are sick, stay home! Students should only come back to school 24-48 hours after symptoms are gone. If a student has a contagious illness eg. Flu, Chicken Pox, measles, hand foot and mouth etc—please notify the school office as soon as you have confirmation of diagnosis.


Money is rarely needed at school so we discourage children from bringing any money to school unless it is absolutely necessary. If they must bring money they should give it to their teacher or hand it in to the office for safe keeping.

New Children

Where possible we like new children and teachers to meet before their first day. New Entrants begin school in groups (called Cohorts) so the whole group attends visits together before their start date so they are familiar with their teacher, their classroom and some of their new friends from day one.


Most news comes out as it happens, via Hero and our Facebook page, but we also create a Newsletter at the start of each term and a special End of Year edition.

Office Hours

The office is staffed between 8:30am and 4:00pm each day. If the phone is not answered please leave a message on the answerphone, and we will get back to you.

Parent App

Our Parent App is Hero.

Parking, Pick Up and Drop Off

Parking at the front of the school is at a premium at the start and end of the school day. We are very lucky to have a drop off/pick up bay to help. Please do not park in the drop off bay. Our school has two other entrances: Across the field at the back of Northpoint Church (which has a large car park) and on the opposite side of the field Te Ara o Tuna leads to Dillon Drive. Walking, scooting or biking to school have many benefits. You might want to consider parking away from the school so you can walk part of the way with your children. As students get older, they should be able to walk themselves from a reasonable distance away from the school. In the interests of safety, cars are NOT permitted to drive up our driveway.

Payments & Fees

Puketapu School does not charge fees for any essential curriculum activity. Optional and extra-curricular activities such as after school or weekend sports, Graduation Hoodies or branded school items are optional so must be paid for. Camps: There is a cost to parents for camps however school subsidises the cost and we will do our best to fundraise throughout the year to reduce it even further. 

Sport: The cost of sporting activities varies depending on the sport and is set by the sporting body who oversees the competition. The teams we have depend on parent volunteers so may change. Fees are payable before the first game of the season. A refundable bond may be charged for some uniforms. Sport Ts are available to purchase from the school office. Payments can be made at the school office or online. Check Hero for your statement and account details.


Photos are a great way for us to share learning and fun at school. Parents give permission for photo use at the time of enrolment. If you do not wish photos of your child to be taken, please speak with the office.

Parent Involvement

As any child’s first teacher, family involvement is vital to every ongoing learning journey and we want parents and family to stay involved as much as they are able.  Help your tamariki to thrive by being involved in their learning journey – talk to your child’s teacher to see how this might work for you. We take great pride and delight  in having lots of parents involved, from taking cars, coaching sports teams, helping in the classroom… whatever time allows. We encourage regular contact between your and your child’s teacher and welcome parents into school as much as we can. The teacher should be the first point of contact for most things, but parents can also contact the Learning Team Leader or Assistant Principals or the office directly if they need to.


All school policies are online and fully searchable on SchoolDocs. 


Our students (and staff) are asked to bring as little rubbish as possible. Any rubbish from lunches or snacks brought from home, including yoghurt pots and chippie packets will be sent home. We encourage the use of reusable containers as much as possible.

Reporting to Parents

During the year teachers report to parents in a number of ways, often informally. You are welcome to contact your child’s teacher at any time to discuss your child’s progress. Please be aware that teachers are busy and have many commitments outside classroom hours, so often the best method is to email and the teacher can arrange a time to connect with you, either by phone or face to face. Each child will have a Head Start Hui at the beginning of each school year. Formal reporting is done via Hero. A more detailed explanation of the reporting system is available from classroom teachers.

Staff Meetings

The whole staff is involved in staff meetings on Tuesday afternoons and  in team planning meetings on Thursday afternoons. Please keep this in mind when phoning or trying to make appointments. It is not always easy for teachers to free themselves.


Some of our classes use this platform to engage with families. Please check in with your child’s teacher to see if this is an option for your child this year!

Scooters at School

Scooters are very popular and we love seeing children riding them to or from school and enjoying them in the scooter areas at school. Children must wear a helmet while scootering. Scooter racks are provided. Parents, many scooters look very similar, so please ensure your child’s scooter is named and/or has some clearly identifying marks or stickers.

School App

Our School App is Hero.

Skills to Share

If someone in your family has a special skill or passion, we would love for them to share with us.  We are always looking for whānau to help with coaching teams, teaching new skills, sharing experiences and getting involved. If you know someone like this, ask them to get in touch.

Smoke Free

Please note that our entire school site (buildings and grounds) are smoke free and vape free at all times – both during and out of school hours.


If you like Sport, we usually have school teams for touch, cricket, netball, basketball, indoor netball, miniball, inline hockey…  and there are also community based clubs for rugby, football, league, BMX, martial arts, tennis and more. Keep an eye on the newsletter, or ask at the office for what is coming up. While the school will organise these teams they are very much dependent on the involvement of parents as coaches and managers. Without parents we can’t field teams.


Our school value of Kia Ora – Be Well means we remember to be Sun Smart in summer. Parents please apply sunscreen before school (we also have this available in class) and remember to bring a sun hat  every day in summer! Don’t forget to bring your togs and towel too!


The school holds a small stock of “top-up” stationery for students which can be purchased from the office. New entrant packs can be purchased from the office. Stationery lists for the new school year are published at the end of the previous year so families can purchase from their preferred supplier.

School Hours

  • 08:30 – Students can be in class (or at Breakfast Club), Teachers in Classrooms
  • 08.55 – Bell rings for school to begin
  • 09:00 – Learning Block 1
  • 10:00 – Snack/fruit break / ‘Read and Feed’
  • 10:50 – Meal 1 – Ka Ora, Ka Ako kai
  • 11:00 – Morning Play
  • 11:30 – Learning Block 2
  • 12:50 – Meal 2 – kai from home
  • 13:00 – Lunch Play
  • 13:40 – Learning Block 3
  • 14:50 – Whaiwhakaaro – Reflect on the Day in their class
  • 15:00 – End of the school day

Children should not get to school before 8.30am but before 8.55am

It is important that children arrive at school some time before class starts. This gives them a chance to get settled and catch up with their friends before class begins.

Teachers also often go over important information and talk about aspects of the day’s programme right at the start of class. Your child will miss this information if they are late.

School finishes at 3pm. 

Please do not collect your child before 3pm unless you have to leave early for an appointment. If you are early for school pick up, rather than waiting right outside your child’s classroom, please wait on one of the seating areas around the quad or wharekai.

Strategic Aims

What does a thriving Puketapu kura look like? How can we shape equitable outcomes for learners regardless of who they are or where they come from?

We have developed three strategic aims that underpin all we do:

  • Kawa o te ora – Nurture Wellbeing
  • Kawa o te ako – Effective teaching and Learning
  • Kawa o te mauri tangata whenua – Honoring Te Tiriti

Read the document in full at Strategic Aims.

Sweets and Lollies

Please make sure that your child does not bring sweets, gum, fizzy or energy drinks to school. If you are thinking of a birthday treat for your child’s class, please check with the teacher first.


During Term 1, swimming is a major part of our PE programme. We are very fortunate to have our own school pool. Please ensure your child brings their togs and towel to school every day during Term 1.


Please remember if you are phoning the school, that teachers are not generally available to take calls during class time. Pupils are not encouraged to use the phone unless it is for school or class business. Messages can be passed on to students but please be aware that calling at 2.50pm may not leave enough time to get your message to your child.

Term Dates

2025 School Year (386 half days)  

  • Term 1: Monday 3 February (Head Start Hui) – Friday 11 April (96 half days)
  • Term 2: Monday 28 April – Friday 27 June (86 half days)
  • Term 3: Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September (100 half days)
  • Term 4: Monday 6 October – Wednesday 17 December (104 half days)

Term dates and important events are listed in our Calendar

Uniform, School Tshirts & Hoodies

Sports Tshirts can be purchased from the office. Sports Ts and uniforms can be borrowed from the office. Hoodies, Tshirts and hats are ordered from Game Changer usually once a term – look out for the notices in Hero.


The school cannot guarantee the security of valuable items children may bring to school. Please make sure that they do not bring along expensive toys or jewellery or any precious item that could be lost or damaged.

Vision and Hearing Checks

There are regular hearing and vision visits to our school.  If you are concerned about your child’s hearing or vision please let us know.


Visitors to the school must report to the office as the first point of contact.

Water Only School

The school tries to encourage healthy eating habits and that includes drinking plenty of water. Water fountains are available and we encourage all children to bring a water bottle. Fizzy drinks, energy drinks and flavoured milk are not to be brought to school. Water is Brain Juice!

Whānau Group

The school has four Whānau Groups, Kākāpō (green), Tuī (blue), Kiwi (yellow) and Pīwakawaka (red). Each Whānau Group has children of all ages, classes and year groups. Every child remains in their Whānau Group for their entire time at Puketapu. (Siblings and cousins are kept in the same Whānau Group, too). Whānau activities are held throughout the year and everyone (adults included) is encouraged to dress up in their Whānau Group colours and support their Whānau Group, especially at events like Triathlon, Cross Country or Sports days.